Monday, December 28, 2020

CHRISTMAS 2020 - PART 1 was everyone's Christmas?! I hope it was as wonderful as it could be for 2020. I sure am looking forward to the day when "mask", "Covid" and "social distance" are no longer terms we hear 100 times a day. I am praying for a better, brighter, and safer world for 2021 as I'm sure you all are. 

We typically have a big ole family gathering a few days before or after Christmas back in Texarkana, TX (my hometown) with my grandfather and allllll the cousins, second cousins, third cousins, aunts, uncles, and whoever else I missed. This year, we canceled that because of Covid so instead, we decided to do something fun locally that we've never done before.

So here's Part 1 of our Christmas week! I'll recap our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in the next post. :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2020



Can you even believe the year we've had? It's like a slow-moving nightmare that none of us can wake up from, right? I know we are all hoping that 2021 brings us some much-needed peace, hope, and joy and I, for one, plan on embracing those three things now instead of waiting for the new year. 

Want to know what brings me JOY during the holidays??



Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Well hello, lovelies! Today I am dropping in to let all my fellow collagen lovers know about the BEST promo and sale starting tonight!! And yes, these really are even better than the Black Friday deals! I'm not even trying to hype it up to make it sound that way...they really are better. If you've been on the fence about trying this stuff NOW IS THE TIME. You're going to get the very best deal!!! I'm my own best customer so trust me, I know!


If you love scientifically-backed products that:

-plump up fine lines & wrinkles

-are designed to inhibit fat storage (especially in the belly), burn more calories, and increase lean muscle

-promote crazy good hair growth, healthy nails, and glowing skin

-support joint and cardiovascular health

-are CLEAN, proven to work, and backed by a 30-day guarantee--

PLUS come with $20 off and a free gift with purchase ($60 value!) AND a chance to win a $500 Lululemon or Nike gift card...

...then keep reading! 


Friday, December 11, 2020


Welcome back, friends, and happy Friday!! We are at t-minus 2 WEEKS from Christmas and I need December to slllooowww down just a bit. I want 2020 to be over with just as much as the next guy but I LOVE December! And it's just flying by right before my eyes. I feel like I haven't really stopped to enjoy any of it yet so we are going to use this weekend to fix that! 

For one, I still need to put the final touches on my dang Christmas decorations! I still haven't hung garland on my stairs with all the pretty lights yet and I don't know why but it's always my least favorite task. (Other than fluffing the tree. Now THAT is my least favorite Christmas task for sure.)  

I'm hoping this weekend can be filled with Christmas lights, Christmas movies, Christmas music, wrapping presents, drinking hot chocolate...all the good stuff. #gimmethatmagic



Friday, December 4, 2020


 Hello, sweet friends!! Happy Friday! So happy to have you here. So happy to see Friday. So happy it's DECEMBER and I can share all my Christmas pictures without the fear of judgment. 😂

Of course, today is Friday Favorites Day so, as always, I'm linking up with my sweet friends, Erika and Andrea, plus a few others I'll link at the bottom. 

So let's get to those...


Thursday, December 3, 2020


That has made me laugh all week. 😂

Let's all pray real hard that we turn the corner toward normalcy in 2021.


Anyway, today I wanted to share just some of our Thanksgiving pics and other bits of life lately. Like many of you, we had a slightly edited version of our typical Thanksgiving tradition. My parents, brother and granddad usually drive in from Texarkana (about 2.5 hours away) for the day to celebrate with us, Craig's parents, Craig's brother and their 2 girls. (who all stay for several days). But this year it was just Craig's side of the family as mine side is a little more high risk with certain health conditions so boo. 2020 strikes again. But we made the best of it with our smaller celebration and most importantly, the boys got to see their cousins and they LOOOOVVVEEE their cousins!! Scarlet is the middle child between Matthew and Mason so it's a perfect little group. And this year, sweet Sailor is 6 and she feels like she's finally "a cousin" too. 😂


Monday, November 30, 2020


Oh my goodness, y'all. It has been a heck of a crazy week around here and I am really looking forward to what I can only hope will be a super dull, mundane, and boring week. 😂 Is that bad? I just need everything to be chill and easy for this week so I can get caught up with life. I need to finish decorating my main Christmas tree and set up my sweet little Christmas village. I need to get the clean laundry put away so I can see the counter in my laundry room again. I need to restock my shop, work on Etsy orders, take new product photos, get Cyber Monday deals posted in my FB group, post the Cyber Monday Modere deals to social media (10-25% off everything!), order groceries (pause...doing the groceries now...).

And we're back. Online grocery shopping and pickup is the greatest thing to ever happen to busy moms. Period.

Anyway. This is my life and is why my head is always spinning. I am constantly being pulled in a million different directions throughout each day and sometimes I feel like I'm just about to stretch myself too thin. That's why I took down all the sign listing in my Etsy shop a couple of weeks ago and although it was a tough decision, it was most definitely the right call. I would be in a puddle of tears on the floor right now if I had the added stress of dozens of wood signs that needed to be painted and sent out ASAP right now. 

But I have heard you guys loud and clear and YES, those little "word of the year" signs will be back this week for you to order! I've gotten at least a dozen requests to bring those back so have no fear! I got you, girls! 😉 Can't wait to see what all your words are for 2021! Off the top of my head, I'm going to guess lots of "hope", "peace", "love", and "health".

Anyway, I really just wanted to come here and check in after being on hiatus for a week and show you a few of my favorite Cyber Monday Deals!


Friday, November 20, 2020


 Oh my goodness, y'all. Did you realize that NEXT WEEK is Thanksgiving...? Because I didn't until Wednesday of this week. Like FOR REAL. My mother-in-law texted me to let me know what all she was bringing and I was like "Ummm....wait, that's next week??" Oh crap. ðŸĪĶ‍♀️

Give me all those sides!! #cantwait

Thursday, November 19, 2020


 Hey there sweet Charlie Bear!

Most of you know all about Charlie. He is our little 18lb fluffball that we adopted from a local rescue group here in the Dallas area back in June. We are all so obsessed with this dog but seriously--none more so than me.💕 


Friday, November 13, 2020


Happy Friday the 13th, y'all!! I am so dang excited!! I've got lunch plans with friends today (tentatively) and then I'm heading out to Arkansas tomorrow for an awesome girls night with my Modere team!! We are going to have the BEST time!! Private chef, 16+ girls, bonfires by the river...I mean. Eeek! Girl time is the best! 

But let's move on to this week's favorites because that's what you're here for, right? ;) I've got some fun ones so let's get to it!

Ok so now that we've made it through the election (sort of), I've been spending more time getting caught up on my shows! Southern Charm, S.W.A.T., Chicago Fire, The Goldbergs, This Is Us, The Bachelorette...and I'm working on catching up on RHOC and the new Salt Lake City franchise! Are y'all watching that one?

The Bachelorette is like WHOA. It's already a mess, just like 2020. Did we expect any different? If you don't watch, Clare cut the "journey" short after falling in love with Dale after like 2 weeks.  They get engaged. And although I hope Clare has found true, lasting love because I know she wants it so bad--I'm not going to be surprised if we hear about a breakup after Christmas. 

Friday, November 6, 2020


Sooooooooo. How we doin', America? 😂

I know this week has been rough for everyone no matter what side you're on. Here's hoping we can find out who the father is soon!


Thursday, November 5, 2020

A DAY IN THE LIFE: 11/2/20

Happy Wednesday, friends! I woke up Monday morning and decided I was going to turn it into a Day in the Life follow along on Instagram and a blog post here today. So if you did follow along on Insta, this will look familiar. I'll just be adding a little commentary. ;)

Now let me just say a couple of things...

1) I thought I was going to be meeting a couple of my "Buffalo girls" for lunch which would have made my day look a little more interesting. But one got sick so we rescheduled. And by "Buffalo girls" I mean two friends that I was besties with when our husbands were with the Buffalo Bills. And now we all live in the same area. ðŸĨ°

2) Craig was out of town for several days in case you were wondering why he wasn't mentioned at all during this day. I didn't want to say that on IG though since he wouldn't be back until Wednesday. He's back now. 😉


Friday, October 30, 2020


Oh hey, Friday!! And Happy Halloween, friends!! I had the longest day yesterday and didn’t get to a Friday Favorites blog post this week but I’ll be sharing them throughout the day on Instastories (@amandanall) and in the Deals Group!

I’m hoping to cover all my favorites of the week so feel free to follow along!



Thursday, October 29, 2020


Ok friends. Today we're going to dive in a little deeper with my new current love. 

Liquid collagen (and its buddies.) ❤

If you are giving me a giant eye roll right now because you're so over my ravings about this collagen and the other Modere products I've been sharing a lot lately--eek. I'm so sorry. I really really am! But I'm not one to keep the good stuff for myself. Y'all know that. I mean, HELLO! I've even forced myself to get on stories on IG before for Colleen Rothschild products and if you know me at all, then you know I CRINGE (and sweat) doing those. Everyone else always looks so natural and well...normal...but I always feel like a complete and total moron. So this stuff may even get me to get on stories more often and THAT is saying something, friends. 😂


Friday, October 23, 2020


Can you believe we are about to enter into the last week of October?! Halloween is next Saturday and I officially turn into Mrs. Claus at the stroke of midnight on November 1st. 😂 I feel like if there were ever a year to decorate super early and feel no guilt or public shame about it, it's this year. We need as much Christmas as we can squeeze in and I, for one, say GO FOR IT, SISTER. So I am counting down the days until I can start feeling all kinds of holiday joy.

But first, we've got to make it through this last week. I'm not a big Halloween girl. I like it fine but it's not my favorite holiday. (Although I do appreciate a good frozen fun-size Snickers so I like to take the opportunity to stock my freezer.) But as my kids get older, I do start to appreciate Halloween more because I know the day is fast approaching when they will be too old or too cool to want to go trick-or-treating with us trailing behind them anymore. Now THAT scares me. Wasn't it just yesterday that we were pulling them around the 'hood in the red wagon dressed as Cars characters and superheroes?!

Look at my babies. #bestillmyheart


Friday, October 16, 2020


Oooh y'all. I am so glad to see Friday!! It has been a tiring week over here and I'm ready for the weekend! We started out the week with a day off from school which is always great for my kids but I never get as much work done when they are home as I do when they are at school. You other work/stay-at-home mamas know what I'm talking about, right?! Those kids are distracting. 😂

But I'll talk more about that below. Keep reading for my favorites from this week!! I've got a really fun one at the end!!!


Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Join me over in my Facebook Deals Group for tons of great Prime Deals!! I’ll be posting some of the best finds from the sale (and lots of random ones that may be overlooked!) all day long today! Don’t miss it!! Check out the group HERE

See ya there!


UPDATE: I had a lot of you let me know you aren't on FB so you can't see all the deals so I thought I'd post some of them for you here too! Also, if you aren't a Prime member, you need to be in order to get the deals! Fortunately, they've made it super easy for you. Sign up for a Free 30 Day Trial now and you can cancel later but this way you'll still have access to all same sales we do!

❤️Free Trial here:


Airpod Deals!

Apple Air Pods with Wired Charging Case:
Apple Air Pods with Wireless Charging Case:
Apple Air Pods Pro with Wireless Charging Case:



Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Hey there, friends! First of all, thank you to everyone for the sweet texts and birthday wishes on social media! ðŸĨ° I turned 39 on Monday, y'all. My very last year in my 30s. #ouch

This year was much more low key than in years passed which is just apparently just the way of 2020. But we did have fun!


Friday, October 2, 2020


Hello October!! 

I love October. Apparently, everyone else does too because there are approximately 4,287,983 memes about it. 😉 October means another year older for me. My birthday is October 5th (I'll be 39 on Monday 🙈) so it always acts as a kick off to all the holidays for me. Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas & then New Years! (I still remember ringing in 2020 last NYE thinking it was going to be the best year! ðŸĪĢ)

Friday, September 25, 2020


Oh hey there, FALL!!! You are showing up right on time around here and we are so thankful for the welcome change (and distraction) as we enter into a new season! Next week, we're supposed to have highs in the low to mid-70s all week with lows in the low-50s and I AM HERE FOR IT. Bring on my favorite jeans, hoodies, sweatshirts, sweaters, booties and cute jackets!

Friday, September 18, 2020


Well....hmm. There just aren't words. I guess I should have expected nothing less from 2020. Because OF COURSE a devastating hurricane had to hit the exact place of my most anticipated vacation--possibly ever--the week that I was supposed to go. Of course it did. Because 2020.


Monday, September 14, 2020


Well, if you're following along with me on Instagram then you know that my beach trip got pushed postponed due to Tropical Storm/Hurricane Sally's impending arrival. 

Hurricane Warning Issued for Parts of Louisiana and Mississippi Ahead of Tropical  Storm Sally | The Weather Channel

If you need a refresher, the plan was for me to leave after Mason's football game Saturday to head to Texarkana, where my parents live. From there, we would leave first thing Sunday morning to head to Orange Beach, Alabama. (All the details of this fun trip are on Friday's post HERE.)


Friday, September 11, 2020


Oh, friends. I AM SO EXCITED!!!

On Sunday afternoon, I will be at my happiest of Happy Places! Hello Orange Beach, AL!! And guess who is going? Me and my parents. And that's it. No kids. No hubs. Just us. And the best part? I have my own condo. ALL.TO.MYSELF. For 4 nights. #someonepinchme 

Even if it rains the entire time we're there, just having a condo all to myself with zero responsibility will be incredible after 6 months of being at home day in and day out with my peeps. I love them dearly but what mama doesn't need some alone time to regroup and BREATHE every once in a while?!  I know this one does!

#travel #vacation #funny #funnymemes #humor #friends #mom #beach #memes #quotes #funnyquotes


Wednesday, September 9, 2020


 Hey there, friends! Happy Wednesday!!

I'm jumping on the blog today to give a little "life lately" type of post since I haven't done that in a while. So what all have we been up to??

Well, we are back to school (in person) now and Matthew had his first football practice this week which marks the official beginning to our 4 sport schedule (football and baseball for both boys) plus trying to get back to our normal school routine. It has been a bumpy road back to "normalcy" over here, I can tell you that much!

We're all a hot mess. #MomMotivation #breastfeeding #AeroflowBreastpumps


Friday, September 4, 2020


50 Truths You Can't Argue With - Funny Gallery

Whew!  Happy Friday!! This week has been so chaotic so I'm really looking forward to resetting and start fresh next week. We started the week with Matthew's baseball team playing Mason's baseball team for the first time ever, which was so much fun (minus the mini heat stroke Mason had about 10 minutes in...). Then it rained and rained and rained all day long on Tuesday which has cooled us off a little this week and made it super cozy and fall-like for a day or so. And then yesterday was the first day back to school in person after being virtual for the first 3 weeks and we were ALL so ready!! It has been a very long Spring Break. ;) Then we had another 8pm baseball game and didn't get home from that until 10 and the stress of trying to get everyone in the shower, remember to charge laptops for the next day, find last minute items we're going to need in the morning...ugh. We just haven't found a rhythm just yet but we will!

But moving on to the fun things from this week! Here are my favorites!


Friday, August 28, 2020


HEY EVERYBODY SMILE ITS FRIDAY! - dave le minion | Meme Generator

It's our last Friday before "real" school starts back, friends!! Ahhh!! My boys are more excited about this "first" day of school than they have ever been before. They NEED this. Mama needs this too. 😂 Not that virtual school has been hard on me. My boys are very self-sufficient and (fairly) responsible when it comes to doing what they need to be doing without me having to hover. But they are bored bored bored and ready to have some normalcy back in their lives. 

Friday, August 21, 2020


Hey girl heyyyyyyy!


Ok. So...second Friday of distance learning. How did things go this week after a full 5 days in a row? Honestly?

Here are a couple of moments for you...

-Mason and his classmates apparently have a giant group text going on so they are constantly texting each other during "class". I walked in to check on him at one point yesterday and saw him texting while the teacher was talking on the screen and snatched his phone up. Then I looked at the computer screen at all the other classmates in their little zoom boxes and saw half of them looking down at something...presumably their own phones. So he's no longer allowed his phone during class time. Lesson learned.

-Yesterday there was a region-wide outage and most of the class couldn't log on to their zoom meetings on and off throughout the day. There were definitely lots of frustrated mom texts being exchanged!! 😂 Thankfully, MISD sent out a robocall, a text and email after a little while explaining the situation and basically tell us not to panic. Or stop panicking. Whatever. So I did and it straightened itself out and the kids all got a pretty light day because of it. It's a learning curve. Things happen. We roll with it. 😎

But other than that, the only complaint is that "it's boring". I get it. We all do. But our fingers are still crossed that they'll be able to go back to school on September 3rd. One can only hope. ðŸĪž

Anyway, since its Friday, it's time for all things "favorite" from the week! So here we go...


Friday, August 14, 2020


 Oh my goodness. It's the first time we've really really appreciated a Friday in a very long time around here! Today is Day 2 of distance learning for my boys and although it's fun and exciting for the first few days, I know they are definitely going to appreciate having their weekend. Yesterday Mason said, "The only thing I don't like about school is that it takes up so much of my day." 😂 It's going to be a huge change to go from doing whatever you want all day every day to sitting in front of a computer for 7 hours, 5 days a week.


Wednesday, August 12, 2020


 Happy Wednesday, friends!!  It's Back to School Eve over here and although life is about to get so much more hectic, I must say that we are all ready for it! Am I going to miss all the lazy days of puzzles and family movie nights? YES. But goodness, y'all. My kids need some structure and between you and honestly wouldn't kill them to pick up a book every once in a while. It's time to get back to school!

But before I go any further, I want to give a big shoutout to all you teachers! You guys are amazing and I am so very thankful and appreciative of you!! I know that this year is going to be weird, crazy, stressful and a little scary at times but please know that I am praying for you, I am grateful for you and I promise that we'll give extra good gifts this year. 😉 THANK YOU, TEACHERS!!


Friday, July 31, 2020


Hello Friday I've Been Waiting For You.

Happy Friday, y'all! I'm so glad I was able to get ONE post out this week! I had several rush orders come in from my Etsy shop and then an avalanche of teacher name signs due to ship all in a row so after I got through all of that every day, I just wanted to relax and enjoy a few hours of not having to do anything. (Besides laundry, dishes, dinner, trying to remember to water my flowers, etc. 😂)

But now I'm so happy to see Friday!!

Once again, I've rounded up all my favorite things from this week--from my favorite movie I watched to my favorite outfit (if you can call it that) and so many things in between! So let's do it!

Have y'all seen The Healer? It is so good! It's a few years old but I had never even heard of it until recently when it popped up on Netflix.

The Healer (2016) - IMDb

It's about guy who finds his way to Nova Scotia after his long lost uncle shows up out of nowhere to basically bribe him to come live for a full year in the town where his ancestors are from. When he gets there, he discovers some family secrets and realizes that he's part of this magical healing legacy.

I thought this was the sweetest movie but I wasn't ready for it to end! I felt like they cut it off right when it was getting good! I was fully prepared for another 45 minutes or so when I realized it was over. Dang.

If you need something to watch this weekend, I recommend this one! I think it's rated PG so your kids might like it too!

Oh hello, Elin! I just love you!!

We all know by now that Elin Hilderbrand is basically the Queen of the Beach Read, right? I've loved all her books. Some more than others of course but none of them have been lower than 4 stars in my book. They are always sweet, have the best imagery of Nantucket and give you something to lose yourself in.

I have read almost all of her books but I knew there were a few I missed. So when I was looking for a new audiobook to start this week so I could listen while I was painting signs and decal-ing tumblers, I saw that The Blue Bistro was 1) one that I hadn't read yet and 2) I had just seen where Elin herself recommended this book to someone on IG the other day! The girl said she'd never read an EH book before and Elin suggested she start with The Blue Bistro so I was like "I have to read this book!"

So glad I did! It is so perfect for summer, the story will make you laugh and cry and it might also make you hungry. Haha. I did feel like the ending was a little rushed and I would have loved to read an epilogue but all in all it was another winner!

You all know by now that we are still very much obsessed with our Charlie! I am spoiling this dog rotten, I admit, but I'm also constantly looking for things to keep him entertained so he won't go foraging for fun in the laundry room, my closet, the bathroom, the office... He loves to find random articles of clothing, toilet paper, dish towels, computer paper, name it...and drag them into the living room to gnaw on.


If you don't already know, Bark Box is a subscription box that comes once a month and it's filled with toys and treats for your dog! You can fill out a little questionnaire about your dog beforehand so they'll know the breed, the size, etc and they'll choose products for your pup based on this.

I had an offer code for a double box on my first order so this is what all came in it! Four soft toys to chew on, 4 bags of treats and 2 types of beef stick chews. (A regular box would be half this. I just got lucky with that offer code!)

So fun!! The double box offer isn't working anymore but there is always an offer on their homepage that you can claim! I've seen them for a month free with a 6 or 12 month subscription and a special free toy...things like that.  I think they change them up a lot so I'm not sure what will be there when this is posted. But you can go HERE to check it out!

I signed up for the 6-month subscription so once a month, we'll get a box of treats, toys and chews with a new "theme" each month.  They also have a one month and a 12-month option too.  

Charlie has loved all his new toys this week! They were all so perfect for him and his size. The little Nintendo controllers, the Polaroid camera, the woolly mammoth and the "Lady Liberty" crown which I honestly had no idea what that was until I looked it up. I just know he loves to play fetch with it!

The Nintendo controllers are perfect for a good game of tug-of-war!

And I think the Woolly Mammoth is his favorite thing to chew on and carry around.

And all the treats have been a big hit too although Charlie doesn't seem to be super particular about his food. He just wants it all!

This little box is so fun! It would probably be even more fun if this stuff was for me! haha Maybe I should try out Fab Fit Fun since it's the same type of thing except with goodies for me instead. ;)

Has anyone else tried Bark Box for their pup?? Two paws/thumbs up from us! 😉

Ok, so my favorite purchase from this week was kind of boring but also a necessity. I ordered these socks after I saw them on Lightning Deal (and posted in the Deals Group--did you see them too?!) and saw how many awesome reviews they had!

You can get them in 6 packs of all white, grey, or multi and they fit perfectly! Super comfy and the best part...they stay on my heels. 🙌 I don't ask a lot from my socks but I do need them to be of the no-show variety with my sneakers, comfortable and they BEST stay on my heel. #thatsallIask

If you need new socks, be sure to try these!

I think Mason in football pads made last week's picture of the week section too (or was it the week before?) but how cute is my little man?! He looks so grown up! They are the Steelers so he just had to have the yellow/black football cleats to match his uniform. I feel like he'd want me to point those out to you. They are definitely EXTRA. 😂

Another day, another picture of my dog. Sorry, y'all. #Icantstop 

Charlie had a quick appointment at the vet this week to get a second dose of one of his shots and this dog...I seriously can't believe how lucky we got with him! He may be a little mischievous but in all other areas, he is PERFECT. Car rides are no big deal to him. There's no shaking in terror or anxiously running around the car between the front and back seats...he just lays down quietly and waits to get wherever he's going. I took this one while we were waiting for someone to come get him from the car and take him in (we aren't allowed in because of Covid) and although I'm sure he was a little nervous, he was super chill. 

He was also INCREDIBLY happy to back home 10 minutes later! Sweet boy.

And one more for good measure. ❤

And I had to include these gorgeous pictures I took on our walk the other night. The sky looked so beautiful!

Now for my favorites sales of the week! I checked to see which were the most popular deals y'all had been snatching up in the Deals Group this week and there were three clear winners.


This mop has the best reviews and you can use the code 403THO1P at checkout to knock it down to under $17! (Reg. $27.99). As of now, the code is still working but it could stop working at any time! So many of y'all said you loved this mop when I posted it!

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'Spray to Clean Step 1 Squeeze the trigger Step 2 Mist released Step 3 Move the mop to clean the floor Hardwood Floor Ceramic Tile Marble Floor Glass'


Another big hit was this Coffee t-shirt! Again, I don't know if the code will still be working when this gets posted but you can try the code R9D9LEKT at checkout to see if it'll knock it down to $12.49! It's been working all week so I'm guessing its days are numbered! Worth a shot though!

Image may contain: one or more people and people standing, text that says 'OFFEE COFFEE COFFEE'


No photo description available.

And this deal for the no-touch thermometer was just posted over in the group yesterday afternoon and lots of members snapped it up and shared it on their own pages within minutes of me posting. So I'm sharing it here too since so many of you were interested. My cousin is actually the one who sent me a text to let me know this was on sale! (Thank you, Kaci!) She's a teacher and they have to take their temperature and report to the nurse every morning once school starts back up. So I know lots of teachers, as well as mamas, will be needing this very soon!

As I'm typing this, it is on sale for $10 off plus it has an additional $3 off clickable coupon with it. It's also worth noting that it's an Amazon Best Seller so its a good one!

This was my second week using Home Chef and I've got to say, I'm really liking it! It's so nice to have dinner decided for you, all the ingredients in the fridge and ready to go, directions laid out so nicely, and literally no guesswork.

My favorite meal this week was this Honey Mustard Mushroom & Chicken bake with green beans. It looks like a hot mess because I didn't take the time to really get a good picture before diving in but mmmmmm.... 

It was mushrooms and chicken with a little melted cheese on top sprinkled with some honey mustard and fried onions. Green beans on the side. Delicious and much fancier than what I could come up with.

If you are interested, you can use my referral code AMANDAN657 or just follow this link to get $30 off!
One of these days I'm going to start getting dressed again but it wasn't this week. This week we had some rain and cloudy days so this was my favorite outfit! ðŸĪŠ (Old picture but same outfit.)

Rainy days at the end of July in a Texas heatwave get all of us excited for fall! So we stay inside and pretend its cold out, light our apple pumpkin candles and get cozy. Or at least that's what I do. And these comfy PJ pants are a MUST when you want to be cozy! I've told you about them before. I think I have 6, 7, 8 (??) pairs. I've been collecting them for years! 

I think these run a little small so I size up to a medium. Also, I'm 5'5" and they completely cover my toes so you tall girls shouldn't have a problem. They are only $14.99 too! (PS: Beware of other sellers that have these on Amazon. Its been hit or miss with getting the "good ones" so I always order from this listing only.)

Ahhhhh!! Look what's new to the shop!! How cute are these little skinny can coolers?! I'm telling you, I have not been able to keep the glittery ones in stock this summer! Every time I order some, I think "Oh there's no way they'll go this fast so I'll just order this many" and then bam. I'm out again. 😂 You think I'd learn! 

Excited to add these cuties to the shop too!!

I have several available in this gorgeous glitter lilac. (Shown here with the "morning" font and neon pink glitter vinyl.)

And this tumbler is actually the glitter blush color (so it's shimmery like the one above) but it's hard to see in the picture. Love these too! (Straw not shown but it is included! Name done in "delightful" font with glitter teal vinyl.)

Another one in glitter white, opal 2 vinyl and "bright" font.

I feel like my skinny tumblers, travel mugs and wine tumblers have taken a backseat to the can coolers this summer so don't forget to take a peek at them when you head to the shop! We won't be able to sit around drinking White Claws forever and you'll need something cute to hold your coffee or water! 😂

And I know it's early but I've already had several orders for fall signs! This is one of my favorites! I'm hoping to add some new ones to the shop this season too!

Fall Subway Wood Sign Subway Art Painted Sign Pumpkin Sign image 0

As always, you can see the full shop HERE!

And to end things on a fun note....

Seriously though! 😂😂😂

And that's it for today! If you want to explore past Friday Favorites posts you can find all of those HERE. Thanks for stopping by, friends!

Happy Friday!!