Hello friends and welcome to another edition of Friday Favorites!
Let's kick it off with an "Oooooo y'all." 😂🤪😂 I'm so glad it's Friday. This week started off a little chaotic for me. Craig left last Saturday to head to Milwaukee to play in Donald Driver's annual charity softball game and golf tournament. (Craig and Donald were teammates when they were with the Packers.) But he didn't get home until Tuesday and of course, Monday just happened to be the day that we had everything. 🤪 Football practice plus back-to-back baseball games with one of the games overlapping football. It was "go go go" from the time they got off the bus at 4:50 (20 minutes late because of some crazy bus drama because of course, it had to happen that day...) until we got home at 10:30.
I won't bore you with all the details but I'll just say it takes a village, and I was so thankful for my village on Monday! We basically had a swift kick to the backside into our Fall schedule!
I have a quick list of Favorites for you today though so let's get to it!