I know I said I'd have our Phoenix recap up today but between all the things that go into that first day back from a vacation plus two baseball games last night, it just did not get finished. I figured I would make it into one big "favorite" for Friday Favorites so that'll be up tomorrow.
I did want to share this though because it had me DYING!!
Mason came home with a paper in his backpack this week and apparently they were working on capitalizing the first the letter of proper nouns. The sheet asked them to fill in a bunch of proper nouns that were personal to them like their name, school, state, etc.
Well one of them asked for his street name.
And when you ask a crazy cool kid his street name, he's going to give you his "street name", y'all!!
Nickname/Street Name: Same thing.
I sent this to my parents and it took them a minute to get it. I had to point out that it was supposed to be the name of our street!
Oh, my silly boy. He is one funny 7-year-old. I'm pretty sure he still doesn't realize this wasn't exactly what his teacher meant by "street name". ;)
I know I shared this already on my
Instagram and in
my Facebook Group but I just had to put it here too. I never want to forget it!
Back tomorrow with the recap for Friday Favorites!