Today I get to do one of my FAVORITE things and sub in PE at my old school. Can I just say that being an elementary school PE coach is one of the most fun jobs you can have?! But being a PE AIDE (which is what I was) is even better! You just play all day and don't have to worry about any of the planning, meetings, report cards...it's just all fun, all day. Even dealing with the not so fun parts like discipline, girl drama (oh the tears...) and rowdy 5th graders is not so bad! I miss my old job!
Another FAVORITE is my Etsy shop of course! Here are some of the cute things that got shipped out this week.
NEW COLOR! I added this gorgeous navy tumbler to go with the others! HERE
CREATE YOUR OWN! Glitter dipped mason jar tumblers HERE
Another cute one! HERE
FAVORITE Water Tracker Bottles! Tracker on one side and a cute saying on the other! HERE
Loved the cute little mouse ears she wanted on her cup! Find them HERE
Some of my favorite little signs! Perfect for a gallery wall, bookshelf or classroom. :)
Not listed yet, but I made this one special for Narci as a giveaway prize at her Coffee House last Sunday. I want to do one in the pretty colors I use for my teacher name signs for my craft room!
Reusable Starbucks Cups HERE (great little teacher gift)
***For all the ordering information in Etsy, make sure to tap on ITEM DETAILS in each listing if you are on the Etsy app or mobile site! It should answer most questions you have about each product! :) The turnaround times for each item are listed under the Shipping tab in each listing as well.***
Wednesday I posted about my FAVORITE Spring wardrobe piece--the nude wedge. After I posted all these cute ones, I found one more pair that I ended up buying! Can't wait to get them in! I love all the texture!
Find them HERE!
Lately, there has been nothing but baseball talk, practice and games going on and my boys are having the best time and getting better each day! It is so fun to cheer them on!
How cute are Smith, Nixon, Bowen and Mason?! They got to go out on the field during a local high school baseball game and they all got autographed baseballs signed by the team. Mason is obsessed with his ball!! I keep telling him to leave it alone or he's going to lose it. We'll see how long he can keep up with it! #Igiveitaweek
An after game snack. His very first Oatmeal Creme Pie. He loved it which meant he didn't share. :(
They love to play catch! So thankful they have each other!
And finally, I'm still loving these DELICIOUS SugarBear hair vitamins! My girlfriend told me my hair looked really healthy the other day and it didn't even occur to me that it might be from these vitamins! So my favorite beauty product right now (in addition to the best mascara ever, in my opinion) has to be these. They have 4 out of 5 stars on Amazon and they have been clinically proven to strengthen and speed hair growth! Just make sure to keep them hidden from your kids! They taste kind of like a chewy Skittle. It's hard to stop at just 2 a day!! I'm so hard on my hair in the summer with the heat and the chlorine so I think this will be a great little start to keeping it as healthy as possible.
Find them HERE.
And because it's just fun to show y'all some of the weirdest finds that people are actually paying money for, I wanted to leave you with this.
Sooooooo.....no. Friends don't let friends out of the house in these. Or spend $220 on these!! In what context would these actually be considered cute? There are just many conflicting details going on in this shoe. Snakeskin (because it looks expensive?), a platform (because it's trendy?), laces (to keep it casual?) and a rubber sole with major treads (because it's comfortable and practical...obviously.)
NOPE. But thanks for the laugh, you amazing designer, you!
Seriously though. You know the designer of this shoe thought he/she was super edgy and fashion forward! #soproud #butyoushouldntbe
Hope that left you with a smile! (And if you have these shoes or think they are legitimately awesome, please forgive me!)
Check out last week's Friday Favorites here if you missed them! Have a great weekend!!