Hey friends! Today is another post from my Confessions Series! I'll link the previous Confessions posts at the bottom in case you missed any but for today, I decided to confess a day in my life.
Spoiler Alert: It's anything but fascinating. I almost decided not to even bother posting it but oh well.
I've never done a typical "Day in the Life" post on here before because, in all honesty, my daily life is pretty dull. My kids go to school, my husband works from home and I do too. So a normal day for me usually goes something like this:
Kids leave for school.
I check Etsy messages, blogs, emails, social media accounts etc for at least 30 minutes while I wait for my
coffee concoction to work its magic.
I go upstairs to my workroom and glitter, paint, answer more Etsy messages, update listings, package items, print shipping labels, and order inventory while listening to an audiobook or watching a TV show.
Kids come home from school (they ride bikes or walk) and immediately go back out to play with friends.
And then our nights are always a little different depending on practices and games.
So for today's post, I picked a day where I had caught up on orders and didn't have a ton that needed to go out that day. But you will still see how boring my days are. ;)
So here goes!
{This was Monday, January 29th. Craig was in Colorado on a ski trip with his friends so it was just me and the boys.}
7:00am wake up. Yes, you heard that right. I don't wake up before 7 hardly ever. It was tempting to put in here that I wake up at 6 and do all these things before the kids get up but nope. I sleep. #thisisme
I feel like it's also important to remind y'all that I don't normally even go to bed until midnight or later. #nightowl
Anyway, the boys' alarm goes off at 7 as well. They get dressed on their own and come downstairs. I don't care what they wear as long as it is weather appropriate. (And then sometimes not even then. Want to wear shorts when it's 40 degrees? Fine. Bet you'll never do it again.)
Matthew helps me make his lunch. He'll be 10 in May. I no longer do #allthethings for my kids. I'm pretty big on teaching them to do things for themselves and be independent. I usually cut Matthew's strawberries while he fills up the rest of his lunch box. Mason always prefers the cafeteria food which is fine with me.
Clearly time for another haircut too.
After they've eaten breakfast (usually cereal, waffles or scrambled eggs), they go to the half-bath and brush their teeth, put on deodorant and do their hair. I learned early on that keeping an extra stash of these things in this downstairs bathroom is much more practical than sending them back upstairs to do this. When you are pressed for time, it's much better to keep these two in your sight.
Matthew decided to make fun of Mason's hair on this particular morning. Poor Mase. His hair is so coarse and curly and Matthew's is the total opposite. I thought my baby looked precious though with his weird little swoop.
This picture reminds me of Christian from Clueless for some reason! Do y'all remember him?
Mason is definitely not lacking in personality. Normal pictures where his eyes aren't crossed and he's not making a face are few and far between these days.
After Matthew put on his hoodie, he had to go back and re-do his hair.
I dropped the boys off around 7:45. When it's warmer they ride their bikes but it was pretty chilly that morning.
I got home and looked down at the time. 7:49.
I pulled some boxes of stuff to donate closer to the front door in hopes that they would make it OUT the door before too much longer.
And then sat down to work on the computer. (Blog, messages, social media and new designs for the shop.)
Abby joined me after a while.
I had an orthodontist appointment at 11 so I got in the shower. I still have my Christmas curtain hanging because I love it so much. Behind the curtain is actually a glass door but since the boys are constantly walking in my bathroom, I thought that hooking a shower curtain over the door would be a good idea. That way they can still come in while I'm in there to ask me a question or tell me something without the shock of seeing their mom in the buff. ;)
Ready for the day in my favorite Target shirt.
Y'all may remember that I got braces on my bottom teeth in September. I was told they'd need to be on for 10 months. But I actually got them off before Christmas! I only had them for 3 months. #hallelujah
I was the biggest baby about those darn braces. They hurt. They were uncomfortable. I was constantly getting sores along the inside of my lips and brackets were breaking off left and right. I was OVER IT.
So this day was my LAST VISIT!! It was just a check to make sure my retainer was working and that everything still looked good. I was given the all clear and that was that! Yay!!
To celebrate, I stopped at Fuzzy's that just opened right by my orthodontist's office and in our neighborhood.
I ordered the chicken quesadillas and took my lunch home to enjoy in front of the TV.
Let me stop here and say that none of this is ever in a typical day for me. I NEVER have time like this to just sit around and do nothing. It felt AMAZING. I wish I could do this every day! But like I said earlier, I chose a day where I didn't have to work all day long so that you might find it slightly more interesting. ;)
I sat at the kitchen counter to eat and was happy to see a Vanderpump Rules marathon!
After I ate, it was time to actually do some work. I photographed some
new wine glasses...
...and then sat down to work on several more. All while watching Vanderpump Rules and screaming at Jax for being a jerk. Working from home is the best.
When these two finished drying, I snapped a quick pic of them as well before getting them packed up.
And I still absolutely adore these skinny stainless steel tumblers. I use mine for coffee in the mornings without the straw and water in the afternoons with the straw. They come in a ton of colors and personalization options too so check them out in the
(Still wearing my
$5 Walmart slippers because they are so cozy! I've got two pairs now but I think I need to grab a third. At $5, they aren't going to last forever.)
A little after 3, I walked outside to wait for the boys to get home. My neighbor had just gotten home as well and was outside checking the mail with sweet Winston! There is just nothing cuter than a puppy. Except maybe a baby. #itsatie
When the boys got home, we sat around the living room while I threw out my usual questions to try to find out about their day.
How was your day? Good.
What'd you do today? Nothing.
Did you do anything fun? No.
Who did you play with on the playground? I don't remember.
Mason ran out the door to play with friends and Matthew relaxed with some Minecraft videos.
I went back upstairs to work a little more until it was time to get dinner started. Mason could eat tacos every single night if I'd let him. He's totally my kid. We'd had tacos the night before and had leftover taco meat so he said he wanted tacos again. Easy enough.
He's in a crunchy taco phase at the moment.
Craig sent me a few pictures from his trip and told me he was feeling sick. Poor guy had altitude sickness the whole time he was there.
After he sent me his picture, I sent him a picture of what we were doing...
Homework. I HATE homework. Do they not learn enough being in school 40 hours a week? I'm only half-joking.
Mason is one of the top students in his class which makes me so proud.
I just wish he'd take his homework a little more seriously. ;)
While the boys worked on homework, I tackled the dishwasher.
And then helped Matthew finish off the last bit of his homework. This smart boy can do long division in his head (like 73 divided by 487 type problems) but can't seem to get the hang of writing it out so he can show his work. #smartpeopleproblems
And this is where the pictures stopped. Homework is always a little stressful. When they got it done it was time for showers and bed. Both boys were in bed with lights out by 8:30. Whoop whoop!!
Craig sent me another picture of all the guys at dinner. Even with altitude sickness, he had a great time. Although he's hoping for a golf trip next time. ;)
If I hadn't been snuggled up in our bed, all cozy with Abby (she always sleeps at the foot of the bed), a glass of wine in my hand and ready to start my Monday night shows (The Bachelor and Vanderpump Rules), I might have been jealous.
While I watched, I worked on a blog post, prepped designs that needed to be cut the next day, and browsed Facebook and Instagram. I love using this time to cram in as much computer related work as I can to give me a jump start on the next day. If there's a way to multitask, I'm doing it.
So that was Monday, January 29th, 2018. Not a typical day for me at all but you wouldn't be interested in a typical day, I promise! It's even more boring than this. ;)
My other Confessions posts:
Have a confessions post of your own? Feel free to link up below!
See you back here tomorrow for a Friday Favorites Book Review!