It is hard to believe that we are now 6 weeks into this mess. When our kids got out for Spring Break (March 9th-13th), we had no idea we wouldn't be returning to school. But when we found out, it was still all so new, the kids were excited and we were embracing it and making the best of it. (We also didn't start homeschool officially until late March so that was awesome.)
At first, it was all family game nights, movie nights, puzzles, staying up late, sleeping was nice to be forced to slow down and really bond and make some memories. Everyone wanted to find the silver lining in the devastating circumstances surrounding the quarantine and we did. But if you're anything like my family, the newness has worn off a little. And while we still have family movie night, it's more like once or twice a week now as opposed to 5 nights a week, and we still work on puzzles sometimes but this latest one has been sitting on our table for 2 weeks without more than 5 pieces put together. We are getting BORED.
We're over here giving it our best shot at trying to keep things fun and light while also trying not to pull our hair out with distance learning. I don't know about your kids but mine need to be reminded on a daily basis that this is not summer break and they need to School is still in session whether it feels like it or not. We have four more weeks and I need these kids to hold it together just a little while longer.