Hey hey, friends! It's book review day!!
Some of you are now clicking that x in the top right corner of your screen because books are not your thing. I get it! But if you are saying to yourself "I don't have time to read" then let me try to convince you that you do!! I say it all the time. I don't have time to read either.
Ok, that's not entirely true.
I would absolutely find time to read if reading was my only option when it came to books. But there are these lovely things called AUDIOBOOKS, y'all. And they are lifesavers. You can multitask while you "read" and there is nothing I love more than multitasking. #canIgetanamen
I'm a huge Audible fan. I know, I know. There are ways to get free books through your local library but I have yet to make it over there to renew my library card AND I'm not a huge fan of waiting in line for my book to become available. ;) But I'm letting you know this in case you are a better woman than me. haha (For the record, we have plans to hit up our local public library this summer so I'm hoping I can include my library audiobook experience in one of my summer reviews.)
Audible is my jam though, and if you want to try it out, you can get 2 audiobooks for free!! Find out more about it
HERE and if you have any questions, leave a comment and I'll be happy to answer them!
Now onto the review!
I "read" 4 books in April. One thriller, one chick lit novel, and 2 autobiographies.