Hello Thursday! I love Thursdays partly because it means that we are almost through the week and partly (mostly) because it is Grey's Anatomy and Scandal night! Grey's has gone downhill the past couple of years, I will admit. But I won't give up on it. And I binge watched Scandal on Netflix awhile back and am pumped that I get to see more Olivia Pope! #itshandled
But today, I wanted to share a little more about myself with you since we are all still getting to know each other. ;) I thought about doing a "25 Random Facts About Me" post but decided to hone in on just a few at a time. Today, I'll tell you about this one in particular.
We are all a little weird in our way, right? We all have our little quirks that make us interesting and unique. Thankfully, my husband is the main audience for my weirdness. There's no one else I can be more myself around than him and he has always embraced the strange little things that I say and do that make me who I am.
So after typing out several random facts about myself like I had planned, I ended up stopping at this one and decided it needed it's own post. I couldn't possibly explain this in just a sentence or two.
I am addicted to Friends. I can't stop.
No, not my friends. Although, they are all great. ;) But the TV show, Friends. I know, I know. A lot of you are saying "I love that show! I've seen every episode several times! I love watching Friends reruns!". That would be normal. Here is where normal turns weird though...
When I was in college, Craig got me the complete series of Friends on DVD for Christmas. He knew I loved that show. From that day forward, I watched Friends every single night before bed. When we got married and I moved up to Green Bay to be with him while he was with the Packers, we would watch it on DVD all snuggled up in bed like normal people. Then Craig started getting annoyed about the TV being on when he needed to go to sleep (because he actually had to get up the next day for meetings and practice. I, on the other hand, would usually sleep until 11am because what else did I have to do? I was 23, living in Green Bay, WI with no kids.) So I got the brilliant idea to set up my little portable DVD player (those were all the rage back then) on my nightstand and watch with the sound low. But eventually Craig got tired of this little quirk as well (God bless him) so I knew I had to find a solution to this problem. And giving up Friends was NOT an option.
This is where it goes from normal Friends fan to addiction status. Since not watching Friends while I fell asleep every night was not going to work for me, I had to get smart. So I decided to plug my earbuds into the DVD player and then put them under my pillow. Genius. If you turn up the volume a little and lay with your head directly over where the earbuds are, you can hear just fine! Then I'd turn the screen off so it was dark and I'd listen to Rachel and Ross yell at each other as I drifted off to sleep. After a couple of hours, the DVD player would turn off automatically. Ta-daaaa!!
I know this is super extreme, but it was the only way I could get my brain to shut off at night and it put me in a happy, calm, relaxed state of mind. If I watched anything scary on TV that night, I'd usually need to watch and/or listen to at least a couple of episodes to erase the bad stuff.
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How can you NOT have good dreams after falling asleep listening to this stuff?! #howyoudoin |
I am embarrassed to say that this little habit has stuck around all these years. (I think it's been a little over 12 years...) My DVDs are all scratched up and have definitely seen better days. But thank the sweet Lord that Friends came to Netflix a couple of years ago!! I packed up my DVDs and my portable DVD player for good and now listen to Friends every single night through my phone with my earbuds securely under my pillow. And since I can't turn off the screen and listen like I could with my DVD player, I just flip my phone face down and it works like a charm.
I have tried falling asleep to other shows before but the only other show that works for me is Cougar Town. Do yall remember this show? I LOVE this show!! Courteney Cox stars in it and it is basically the same concept as Friends just set in a culdesac in Florida instead of an apartment building in NYC. I apparently find Courteney Cox soothing. haha Anyway, I bought the full series of Cougar Town on Amazon Prime Video and every once in awhile I switch it up and listen to that instead of Friends.
This is one of my weird little quirks and I don't see this stopping anytime soon. It's a habit now-like brushing my teeth or washing my face. It would be completely unsettling not to have their voices in my ear when my head hits the pillow. Even if it's only for those 30 seconds before I am out. I need my Friends to fall asleep.
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Do you have any weird quirks? Are you a Friends nut too? Do you love Cougar Town? I'd love to hear about it! And please know, this is not my only weird quirk. My fingers and toes also turn white when I get really cold (Raynaud's Syndrome) which did me no favors living in Green Bay and Buffalo... My mom has it too and when she was younger her doctor told her it was happening because her bra was too tight!! (She's going to kill me for saying that but it's funny.) But anyway, that's a whole other post. ;) Thanks for stopping by today! See ya tomorrow!!
Wow! You definitely are a bit obsessed. lol! I used to have that obsession with Sex and the City. I could not get enough. Lol. Friends is a great show; it never gets old!!! Not to mention it's hilarious!
ReplyDeleteOh yes!! I definitely had a thing for Sex & the City too! (Still do!) Craig got me that boxed set too when he gave me Friends! Those shows or the movies are always my go to when I'm in the mood for a chick flick and can't find anything I haven't seen yet. I like things that put me in a happy mood!
DeleteThis is too funny!!!! I did NOT know this about you!
ReplyDeleteI really forget to think it's weird most of the time! It's just a part of my routine! I wonder if Craig still thinks its weird. I don't think he even notices anymore now that I was able to put the DVD player away!
DeleteMy two favorite shows to fall asleep to are Frasier and King of Queens...but Friends is a close third :).
ReplyDeleteI love King of Queens! I've started watching that new show Kevin Can Wait and it's pretty funny too. I've never watched Frasier maybe I should check it out!
DeleteHaha...I LOVE Friends although not as much as you I assume :) That show never gets old and one of the only ones I'll still watch. I laughed at all those pictures you put in your post.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I may be in my own little category with Friends... ;) I love that it never gets old no matter how many times I watch it! The jokes are always just as funny as the first time!
DeleteThis cracks me up! I thought I was obsessed with Friends but you put me to shame :) hahaha. So here's a question for you--which of the FRIENDS characters is your favorite??? I know it's hard to choose! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm enjoying following along with your blog! I have 2 boys as well...although mine are littler right now!
Oh gosh, there's so many ways to answer that!! I feel like I'm probably most like Rachel because she starts out the series as a little naive and innocent and is relying on everyone else around her to take care of her. I was definitely a lot like that when I was in my early 20s and going straight from my daddy's credit card to married life with my hubby. But then she comes into her own and finds herself and what makes her happy and I love her independence and how she kills it at her job. I feel like that has been a lot like me over the years. Finding what I'm good at and doing the very best I can at it whether it be being a mom or an Etsy girl. :) So that would be my "deep" answer. hahaha. But Joey, Monica and Chandler are my favorite to watch. I seriously can't pick between those three! They are all so funny!!
DeleteOh, man! Now I want to rewatch Friends! Best show ever!!
ReplyDeleteIt really is. I've heard people say that Seinfeld was the best but I never got into that. Friends was way more my kind of humor and let's face it, they were a lot more fun to look at! Ha!
DeleteYou should meet my daughter. She just turned 21 and loves everything Friends and has for about 4 years. I've bought her T-shirts, mugs, pictures and just about anything else that has Friends on it. The funny thing is I never watched Friends when it first aired (my husband and I were Seinfeld fans and we lived in AZ at the time...Friends would start at 7 which was just too early for us to have everything done (ie baby in bed) to watch it). So, I ended up being a fan about 20 years after it started. Pivot and the one where Ross wears leather pants have to be my 2 favorites. Ross is our favorite character. David was actually the roommate of my daughter's high school drama teacher who said he really wasn't a nice guy, but oh well...we still love his character. So funny that you need their voices to fall asleep. It's not a weird quirk at all. (My daughter also loves Grey's...I'm only on season 2)
ReplyDeleteI just discovered you can buy the little yellow frame that they kept around their peephole in Monica's apartment! (Not THE one but a replica.) There are several on Etsy! I'm definitely going to get one soon!
DeleteOh my gosh we are the same person. I (literally) can not fall asleep without listening to Friends! I've watched it every single night- even on vacation or camping- since I got season 3 for my 14th birthday, so about 14 years now. I burned through a few copies of all of my seasons but #allthepraisehands for it coming to Netflix. I put it on my phone every night now. My husband can sleep through anything though so I just turn the volume down a little. Haha! Annnd I love Cougar Town. It's such an underrated show. Also, super random, but I live in Green Bay.
ReplyDeleteOMG, we ARE the same person!!!! How crazy is that!! And yes, vacations (even just an overnight somewhere) I HAD to have my little DVD player with me so I could watch/listen as I fell asleep. Thank you Netflix for making that a lot easier. haha. Cougar Town is sooooo underrated! I can't believe more people don't know about it. Way funnier than any comedy on TV now. I can't believe you live in Green Bay to top it all off. We should totally be best friends. ;)
DeleteI was browsing Audible today and saw where there's a new book coming out next month: "I'll Be There for You: The One About Friends" by Kelsey Miller. I remembered this post of yours and thought it sounded like something you'd want to check out. :-)