Do y'all remember several years ago when it was the cool thing to make a "note" on Facebook of 25 things about you and then tag your friends to do the same? Yeah...I LOVED THOSE!
I loved reading all those weird things about my friends that I didn't know! So I thought I'd share my very own list of 25 things about me today! (You can read more about me here as well).
1. I was born in Texarkana, TX. Texarkana is located smack dab on the border of Texas and Arkansas. So there is a Texarkana, TX and a Texarkana, AR. Let's just say that I was VERY proud to be from the Texas side! ;)
2. I'm a newbie coffee drinker. I've always hated the smell of coffee but this fall some friends convinced me to give it a shot and gave me some drinks to try to ease me into it. I am happy to say that I'm now officially part of the club and my drinks of choice are a skinny mocha latte and a skinny vanilla latte. I know. That barely qualifies me as a coffee drinker. But it's better than the half coffee, half hot chocolate confection I made for myself at home A LOT this winter! ;) Now that was good!
3. When Craig was in the NFL and we were in Green Bay and then Buffalo (and then Green Bay again...), I started a blog called Bellies, Babies & Football. I kept up with it for several years before I let it slip when life got really busy with 2 little boys!
4. I met my hubs in college after he transferred over to Northwestern State (in Natchitoches, LA) from LSU. You'd be surprised at how many times I've been asked the question "So how did y'all meet?" over the past 12+ years, mostly when he was in the NFL. It's people's way of wanting to know if I knew him pre or post NFL. #Iseewhatyouredoing #notagolddigger
(He was a backup Quarterback in the NFL for 7 seasons and drafted in the 5th round in 2002. He has a pretty great story that I may tell some other day!)
The townhouse in college. :)
5. I have a really weird condition called Raynaud's Syndrome where my fingers and toes turn white when I'm really cold. It was really bad growing up. Even just drinking a glass of cold milk would sometimes make me lose circulation in my fingers and they'd turn white. Thankfully, it was annoying at most. Not life threatening or even anything I needed to see a doctor for...just super annoying. And it's inherited. My mom said she told her doctor about it when she was young and he told her her bra was too tight!! hahaha (Sorry, Mom!) And the fact that my husband ended up in Green Bay and then Buffalo and then went BACK to Green Bay is just really really bad luck when it comes to my poor circulation! -17 degrees is just no fun for anyone though.
These are not my hands but totally could be. I googled images of Raynaud's and found a TON just like this. Some of them were a lot worse than mine ever were. I remember at one point thinking I was the only one in the world with this ridiculous problem.
Mine haven't gotten this bad in years so I'm either growing out of it or learning to stay inside when it's super cold! So gross right!!??
6. I hate any kind of conflict/controversy/drama. Except when it is safely inside my television set. (Real Housewives--bring it on!) Conflict completely unnerves me and makes me shaky and anxious and want to cry. I am a people pleaser to my core and just want everyone to get along. Election season on Facebook is PAINFUL for me!!! I tend to "hide" a lot of people with strong opinions looking to get a debate going. I will form my reply in my head but I would never type it out just so 100 people could possibly bash me. No thanks. I have friends who are Democrats and Republicans and I respect everyone's right to their own opinion. But be respectful to everyone no matter what side you fall on.
7. I went to college on an academic scholarship. (Northwestern State University. Not Harvard. But still. My parents were pretty pumped.)
8. My sophomore year, I got the crazy idea to enter the "Miss Northwestern-Lady of the Bracelet" pageant because of the scholarship money. It would take care of the rest of my schooling and my dad promised me a new car if I won because I'd basically be getting a check since I already had a big scholarship as it was.
9. I won. (Hello 2 door Honda Accord!) But then they told me I had to also compete in Miss Louisiana. Oh crap. I showed up on "move-in day" during pageant week in my holey jeans and a t-shirt. Everyone else was in dress suits and pumps. (To move your crap into a dorm room!! Seriously!?!) I was sooooo out of my element. These girls had interview coaches, trainers, vocal coaches, sponsors... Yeah, I had no business being there. There was NO pressure on me, so I made the best of a very fun week and made some amazing memories.
10. I was so sure I wouldn't make the top 5 (out of 30 something contestants) that I didn't even BRING an interview outfit for that portion of the competition. The pageant people came to check everyone's outfits before the pageant and they asked to see my on-stage interview outfit and I told them straight up that I didn't have one because there was no way in hell I would make the top 5. I didn't say it exactly like that but I got some LOOKS, yall.
11. However, I DID win the non-finalist swimsuit award! Whoop whoop! #thankyou20yearoldbody #imissyou
12. I changed majors 3 times in college. #soindecisive
13. I was a Journalism major for my first semester, then it was biology (in hopes of becoming a doctor-specifically an ophthalmologist) for 2.5 years until I hit physics and realized it LITERALLY wasn't possible for me to understand that. My brain just doesn't work that way. So I switched to Business and breezed through those classes.
14. I am obsessed with HGTV and am constantly redecorating my house. This annoys my husband. ;)
15. I am a total tomboy at heart. I started playing softball at the age of 6 and played my last game ever at the 4A State tournament in Austin, my senior year of high school which was also Prom Night! When we lost, I raced back to Texarkana in order to make it to the prom. I had just enough time to shower, throw on my dress and put my hair into a cute-ish ponytail. Yes, there were tears of updo frustration but my sweet boyfriend made me feel beautiful and we had a great night!
I'm on the right side with the 2 braids. We were all about the double french braid back then!
I always had a ribbon in my hair and/or lip gloss on my lips. I got teased a little for being such a girly-girl!
16. I am a professional multitasker. I rarely do one thing at a time if I can help it. Even if it is just listening to an audiobook while folding the laundry. I crave efficiency!
17. I dream vividly every night and have at least one tornado dream a week. I blame it on my childhood fascination with The Wizard of Oz.
18. I love going to the movies by myself in the middle of the day, during the week, when there are just a handful of people in there. I used to do this a lot before I started working full-time and iPic (with the big recliners and the lunch menu!) was my favorite!
19. I am what they call an "extroverted introvert". I am completely ok being alone. I love being alone and need alone time every day. (My job provides me a lot of this!) But when I'm out with friends or in a social setting I love that too! I just don't have to have people around me all the time to feel content. My husband is the complete opposite which drives me crazy sometimes. (And him too, I'm sure!)
20. I have a major Friends addiction which shared all about in my Don't Make It Weird post here. I take it slightly further than the whole "I need to watch something funny before I fall asleep" thing that it started out as many, many years ago.
21. I have been on a quest to become a morning person for the past 10 years. I'd love to be that early bird catching the worm and all that. Unfortunately, I am still stuck as the night owl. I sleep until 7 or 8am but I don't go to bed until 12 or 1. Ugh. I've always been this way.
Hahahaha...I love this!! Except I really do wish I was an early bird! But mornings are still stupid and worms are definitely gross. ;)
22. I have major moments of hysteria sometimes that I'll never be the Mother of the Bride. God gave me 2 boys and when I stop and think about it, I completely understand why. These 2 boys fit into our world and our personalities with ease. A little girl would be a completely different dynamic. However, I will still always long for the little girl I never had. The mini-me I'll never see come to light. I would have loved to have taken my sweet girl to dance and watched her play softball and go dress shopping for prom. And then to hear all about her falling in love and helping her plan a wedding someday... I just pray that my boys marry women who I will love like daughters...and who I will have relationships with like daughters. I know that is a big goal. But there's no harm in praying for it. :)
23. I hate to cook and always will. I would give up chips and salsa for a whole year if I could just hire a private chef to cook for us every day. And that's a BIG deal, y'all. #ilovemysalsa I am not a bad cook. I just would love to be doing so many other things with my time. And then, there's also this which pretty much sums it up in a nutshell.
I'm pretty sure it's all the dishes that makes me want to slam my head into a wall.
24. I have "Go see Britney in Vegas" on my Bucket List. I feel like I grew up with her and even rooted for her when she went totally crazy for awhile there, I always loved her! I've been to 3 of her concerts and they were all amazing. The Circus tour was by far the best though!
With some of my Buffalo besties at the Femme Fatale Tour!
25. I get major motion sickness on almost everything. A plane, a car, a helicopter, a deep sea fishing boat. However, I've never gotten sick on a roller coaster (Thank you, Jesus, because I LOVE roller coasters!) and I can ride around in a boat on the lake all day and feel fine. Let's just say I've had major "experiences" on a helicopter the day after I got engaged and on a deep sea fishing boat in the Gulf of Mexico. No amount of Dramamine could save me on that boat. And for some reason, I didn't even think of taking any before a 3 HOUR helicopter tour!! (Never again. NEVER. AGAIN.)
We did have that helicopter ride on DVD. Craig bought it. And I smashed it. :)
So that's a little randomness about me! Do you feel like you know me a little better now? I want to know something weird about you!! Leave it in the comments!
Have a great day, friends!!
And don't forget that you can follow me on Instagram @amandanall and @thatinspiredchick!
Giveaway coming soon!!!
I have always had crazy weird tornado dreams, too! Seriously, those were my childhood nightmares!
ReplyDeleteSomething weird about me? I HAVE to have a bath/shower every night before I put on my pjs. I feel like I need to rinse off the days germs & I can't stand the thought of getting in the bed dirty. Also, I've stayed alone overnight 4 times in my whole life. I'm a big scaredy.
My mom is the same way with the bath/shower thing!
DeleteI learned so much today!!!! Loved this post!
ReplyDeleteThanks, friend! I'm glad I got to show you my white finger the other day at the baseball game. hahaha.
DeleteHello from a fellow NSU Demon. Love your blog and wanted to say hi!
ReplyDeleteYay!! Thanks for saying hi!! Go Demons!!
DeleteThanks for sharing! Some of these were too funny!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Alex!! It's hard to narrow down all the randomness into 25 so it may become a mini-series! haha
DeleteWe have so many similarities to mention. I love reading these things from people too. I wrote a couple of these posts on my blog for my birthday...they're on my About page. I'm on a quest to become a morning person too and have been for years, but it's just not happening. I think that's why I love nights quiet, no one to bother you, and no fear of kids waking up to bother you (well, most of the time).
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have to go find your posts! I love reading them too!
DeleteHmm...weirdest thing? I love raw onions, and can literally eat one like an apple! My poor husband....
ReplyDeleteOmg!!! That's hilarious and horrifying all at the same time!! Love it!!
Deletehahahahaha. I remember reading your post about your quirk about FRIENDS and have been following your blog since! so funny...but I love how honest you are about it. I have 2 boys right now and I get the feeling of never having the daughter thought. We will have one more...and I know God will give me exactly what I need, and I LOVE boys...but a girl would be so cool too :) xox.
ReplyDeleteNaomi @
Awww thanks girl!! I toy with the idea of baby #3 a lot but I'm just so set in my ways now! I'll just play with all my friends' littles and hope that's good enough! Haha
DeleteOk I'm being honest your condition would freak me out and then I would want to research and then make you get your fingers cold again... #imevil
ReplyDeleteI'm the same way as 19. I LOVE being by myself but then love being with people too! I love going to the movies by myself.
I have the best mother in law. We have the best relationship. So I hope you get that "daughter you never had" my MIL is the mom of two boys as well!!
Loved getting to know more about you!!
I told Erika about it during a really cold baseball game the other day and right as we were all leaving one of my fingers finally turned white and I chased her down to show her. 😂😂😂. I used to be SUPER embarrassed about it but now I just think it's weird.
DeleteLove this, girl!! These posts are so much fun!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Narci!
DeleteI was the exact same way about coffee. I never drank it until after my son was born in my 30's. I tried a few latte's at Starbucks because someone gave me a gift card. Now I have to have my coffee every morning. And I feel like I have the same personality type - happy to be alone, but also love socializing.
ReplyDeleteI can only stand it if it's disdguised well. 🙈 Lattes are about ask far as I go! I also love this iced mocha coffee they have at Walmart in the milk section. It is basically a Yoo-hoo. Haha.
DeleteI love this!! I seriously think I have that Raynaud's Syndrome! I have never heard of that but I have two fingers that will do the exact same thing, and it is so annoying. I also changed majors three times in college, lol. I enjoyed college way to much and couldn't decide on what I wanted to do when I had to leave.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you do have it!!
Deletethese random fact posts are always my favorite! were you able to come up with all 25 lickitysplit or did you have to ponder them? the woman who owns the studio where i work out has THE SAME EXACT SYNDROME! seriously, she does! i am always fascinated when people say they don't cook. i know a few people like that. i always think in my brain "what do they eat for dinner??!" so, please do tell, what do you all eat for dinner??!?? i LOVE LOVE LOVE going to the movies all by myself. and now i have the song "gold digger" playing in my head..."
ReplyDeleteI didn't say I DIDN'T cook. I just said I HATE to cook. 😉 I definitely cook all the time. I just don't enjoy it all. And I most of the 25 came to me pretty quickly. I've got plenty more where this came from!
Deleteohhhhh golly! i'm sorry! i guess i zoomed fast while i was reading! looking forward to more super random things about you! i'm inspired to come up with my own list!
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, girl, no worries!! I should have clarified that although I hate to cook, I do (grudgingly) feed my family. (We totally order takeout a lot too though! 😜). And you should do a list! I love reading them!
DeleteLiterally, thinking about weddings is the ONLY time I don't love being a boy mom. There is no part of me that wishes I had a daughter (dance class seems like a nightmare), except when I think about not being the mother of the bride. The dreaded groom's mother is...ugh. So I pray the same prayer you do and my other boy mom friends and I promise to be there for each other to commiserate if necessary!
ReplyDeleteI am a tee total extroverted introvert. SO ME!