Welcome back, friends! We got home from our week in Branson, Missouri on Saturday evening and I've been racing around trying to get us all unpacked, the fridge restocked, the plants revived (oops) and things back to normal as quickly as possible so that I can hit the ground running (so to speak) this morning. Why?! Because it's AMAZON PRIME DAY!

If you aren't familiar with Prime Day(s), it's a 2-day blowout sale that will run today and tomorrow on Amazon. It's basically 48-hours of one amazing deal after the other on tons and tons of products from A-Z. I'm talking vacuums (you NEED a robot vac!), air fryers, rugs, cameras, beauty, fashion, organization...you name it.

1. You need to be a Prime member, for one. (You can join HERE for just $3 for a 30 Day Trial. Cancel after the sale if you want straight from your online account. Super easy and a great way to get Prime deals without committing to a full-price membership.)
2. Also, these Prime Day Deals will come and go quickly throughout the day. Some will sell out quickly and from what I can remember, they are all on timers, like Lightning Deals. They won't be around for long so don't wait if you see something great!
3. Join my FB GROUP! Did you know I have a Daily Deals Facebook Group? (I'm guessing you did but just in case...). I will be posting my favorite deals over there as they pop up so don't forget to join, set your group notifications to "All Posts" and make sure to refresh the page each time you come back!
There is a thread going in the group where you can list anything you are hoping to find a good deal on as well! Feel free to use to let me know what you're looking for and if I see it, I'll make sure to tag you with the link.

ALSO, this year Target is challenging Amazon with its very own 2-day blowout sale! This is an online-only sale which will rival Amazon in every way it can and of course, I'll be posting their deals as well!
Both of these sales are a great way to stock up for birthdays, for Christmas (definitely), add new pieces to your wardrobe, revamp your kitchen with new pots and pans and appliances, back-to-school shop for your kids or update your home decor!
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