Oh my goodness, y'all. It has been a heck of a crazy week around here and I am really looking forward to what I can only hope will be a super dull, mundane, and boring week. 😂 Is that bad? I just need everything to be chill and easy for this week so I can get caught up with life. I need to finish decorating my main Christmas tree and set up my sweet little Christmas village. I need to get the clean laundry put away so I can see the counter in my laundry room again. I need to restock my shop, work on Etsy orders, take new product photos, get Cyber Monday deals posted in my FB group, post the Cyber Monday Modere deals to social media (10-25% off everything!), order groceries (pause...doing the groceries now...).
And we're back. Online grocery shopping and pickup is the greatest thing to ever happen to busy moms. Period.
Anyway. This is my life and is why my head is always spinning. I am constantly being pulled in a million different directions throughout each day and sometimes I feel like I'm just about to stretch myself too thin. That's why I took down all the sign listing in my Etsy shop a couple of weeks ago and although it was a tough decision, it was most definitely the right call. I would be in a puddle of tears on the floor right now if I had the added stress of dozens of wood signs that needed to be painted and sent out ASAP right now.
But I have heard you guys loud and clear and YES, those little "word of the year" signs will be back this week for you to order! I've gotten at least a dozen requests to bring those back so have no fear! I got you, girls! 😉 Can't wait to see what all your words are for 2021! Off the top of my head, I'm going to guess lots of "hope", "peace", "love", and "health".
Anyway, I really just wanted to come here and check in after being on hiatus for a week and show you a few of my favorite Cyber Monday Deals!
I'm pretty sure you know where to look if you're looking for those high ticket and uber-popular items like iPads, AirPods, or gaming systems of some sort. It seems like most stores' prices for these big things are all the same so it doesn't really matter where you get them unless it's somewhere like Kohls where you can also collect that Kohls cash! (Seriously, if y'all aren't going to use your Kohl's cash, can I have it? 😂 I love me some Kohls cash!!)
You guys know I have two boys. 12 and 10. Really hard to shop for. We are past the toys stage of life and entering the stage where all they want are things that will blow out that budget really quickly. Their Christmas lists consist of Airpods, gaming headsets, Beats, TVs, a gaming laptop (ha!), and expensive shoes. Their Christmas is going to be a lot smaller in quantity this year because of their expensive tastes (not that they are getting all of that) and I need to fill in some holes with practical and less expensive items.
The other day, Matthew mentioned to me that he wanted a robe because he's always cold when he comes downstairs in the morning. So I jumped on that idea and found the softest ones at Kohls!! They come in several colors and sizes and are around $18 right now with the sale prices!
I can't imagine a kid not loving these at any age!! I also grabbed some matching pajama pants as well! My boys may not be into fashion or understand their mom's Bravo addiction but they do love to be cozy and warm! So at least we have that in common.
This is also the best place to grab mom/mother-in-law/sister/friend/teacher gifts too! I picked up this bookof Sherlock Holmes brain games for my dad. I also got one for myself so we can discuss it together. 🥰
I'm going to do a little fun gift basket this year full of random things I think he'll like. I've just been grabbing them as I find them and stashing them away. (Like this hilarious desk organizer. I also got one for my hubs. 😂)
And this bumper cars remote control set will be fun for my kids! At around $22, they each get a car which equals to $11 per kid... If it can keep them occupied for half an hour, I'll call it a win!
LADIES. I'm not trying to be bossy here. Really I'm not. But if you STILL haven't tried the Radiant Cleansing Balm now.is.the.time. Right now, the whole site is 30% off. This comes around like once a year. Take advantage!! Go ahead and get the Jumbo size. You're going to wish you had once you try this stuff. And for those of you who are already believers--stock up!!
People ask me why I love this stuff so much and here's what I'll say. It's unlike any other facial cleanser I've tried before. I don't use a lot so a jumbo jar lasts me about 6 months. I just use the bare minimum that'll cover my face. Scoop it out with dry fingers and rub it onto your DRY face. It will start to melt into an oil from the heat of your skin and then proceed to melt away your makeup, oil, dirt, grime..all of it. You can even rub it over your eye makeup and it doesn't burn and breaks down that mess too. Then you can take the muslin cloth that it comes with or any soft microfiber washcloth you have (I love those the most) and wet it with warm/hot water and wipe it all away.
Already melting into my fingers!
See how it just melts onto your skin?!
I love it!! It feels amazing. It stopped my random breakouts as soon as I started using it which I thought was weird because I'm washing my face with an oil! Isn't oil supposed to be bad for your skin? Ummmm nope. I don't know all the science, friends. I just know that my face started to look better "naked" within weeks of using this stuff and I understood why they called it the "radiant" cleansing balm.
Now as far as all the creams and serums go afterward, it's really hard for me to recommend just one or two. I have a vast array of CR products and I mix them up throughout the week to keep things interesting. I've had a lot of people ask me where to start though if they've never tried the products before and these would be my top 5 must-haves:
5. If you want to try a little of everything, grab the Discovery Kit! This kit comes with little travel sizes of some of the most popular products like the Cleansing Balm, Extreme Recovery Cream, and Sheer Renewal Cream (your daily moisturizer) to name a few. This normally $95 but is on sale right now for $59. I don't think it can be combined with the 30% off but that price is already better than 30% off! It's also perfect for anyone who loves good skincare products!
And a big thank you to Colleen Rothschild for sponsoring this part of the post. I love partnering with them so much! Xoxo
Amazon is also having great sales! Here are a few of my favorites.
The Echo Show 5 is HOT HOT HOT item right now especially when you add on the Blink Mini for just $5!! You get both of those for just $49.99!! The Echo Show alone is usually $90 so this is HUGE!! And I don't have the Mini but it plugs into an outlet and basically does all the things a Dot will do, from what I can tell.
I bought these on a whim last year for the boys and they use them as their alarm clocks, to check the weather, for music and I love that I can "drop in" on them to facetime them or tell them to come eat or turn the dang music down and go to sleep... ;) Anyway, really great deal but you'll need to act fast! It's already back-ordered a couple of weeks!
More practical items are these outlets! I posted them on Instagram stories yesterday and so many of you wanted the link! (Only 6500 followers away from a swipe up. Sigh. Anyone want to give me a shoutout to get that follower count up?! Anyone? Bueller? #bitterpartyofone)
What were we talking about?? Oh yes...the outlets!
I bought these last year to plug my trees and lights around my house into so that I could turn them all off at night with one remote instead of squeezing behind furniture to unplug everything every night. They are under $12 (at the moment) for 3 plugs and the remote and I just scooped up two more sets yesterday. I don't want to say they are life-changing but...they have changed my life. haha Seriously though, they make it so much easier to turn everything off and I am all about those practical purchases. You can even use these after Christmas for your lamps and things so you can turn them off from across the room or even from your bedroom! They work between walls! It's not a sexy purchase but it's AWESOME.
And yesterday, my sweater was on sale so I hope it still is today!! I wore this to our Christmas Kickoff service at church yesterday afternoon (thank goodness for casual services nowadays) and it was warm and cozy. And no, it did not make me itch. 🎉
Very TTS and I'm wearing a small.
Earrings are my fave and from my friend's cute little boutique in Arkansas. (But they ship!) Not sure if these are still in stock but you can find them on Instagram @avannaboutique or check out their website here. And you can use the code AMANDA10 for 10% off your order too. Message them on IG if you need to!
And then of course, I have to mention my collagen deals!! I know I got on Instastories and tried to thank y'all the other day but wanted to do it again here.
THANK YOU for all of your orders. THANK YOU for all of the feedback you've sent me and all your stories about what the collagen is doing for you (and your husbands! I've gotten a few of those too!). THANK YOU for supporting small businesses. THANK YOU for trusting me to recommend things to you.
Listen. We all know that not everything is going to work the exact same way for everyone. There are a million little factors that can play into why one product works for this person but not that. BUT. That Biocell Liquid Collagen y'all...unless you just aren't taking it on a regular basis like you should be, I honest to goodness don't know how you won't see results.
Take a picture of your face and hairline or wherever you may be hoping your hair will improve. Take it before you start or if you've already started, take one now. And then take another one in 3 months after you've been consistently taking your collagen. You may not notice the small changes on a daily basis but you will after comparing those photos. Collagen is scientifically proven to promote healthy hair and hair growth, stronger nails, and younger-looking skin! The Biocell is a unique, award-winning collagen that is the most effective on the market. It tastes great, it's just 2 tablespoons a day and within 28 days it will boost your hyaluronic acid by 6000%. HA is the stuff that hydrates and plumps your skin. We need this if we want to keep our skin looking as young as possible. And if you're saying "well I take a powder/supplement" then just know that those have a 30% absorption rate. The Biocell has a 90% rate. So think about the money you are wasting every time you have to tinkle. #justsayin 😉
For me personally, I've noticed changes in my complexion, less wrinkles around my eyes, my eyelashes are super long, and thank the Lord, my hairline is filling in again. I swear to you, before I started this stuff I had no idea this was an issue for me until I started seeing other people's before and afters related to their hairlines. And then I looked at mine and was like "Oh crap. I have that too!! I just thought my forehead was getting bigger!". 😂 Now I have new hair growth in the places that I thought were just my normal hairline. I'm not shedding nearly as much as I was before either which I've noticed when I wash my hair and brush it out afterward.
It's working for me and thousands of other people and that's why I'm not afraid to tell y'all about it over and over again. I know it gets annoying sometimes but it took me 6 months of seeing those posts before I tried it and now I'm kicking myself for wasting so much time.
And guess what?
Today starts the Cyber Monday sale and everything is 10-25% off!!! Yes, that means the Biocell so grab a bottle or 10! And yes, new customers can stack their $10 off code (2617259) with the sale too!! (Create an account for your husband with his email address and it should give you that $10 off discount again for those of you who are already customers!)
Now listen...there are ways to get that 25% discount y'all but it's too much to get into here. And no, it doesn't have anything to do with enrolling in the company or anything like that although we do have a $60 off enrollment promo going on for the rest of today only if you want in on that. I can show you how to maximize your discount but you'll need to message me on Instagram (@amandanall) or Facebook (Amanda Crain Nall).
One bottle of Biocell will last 2 weeks if you take it twice a day as recommended. They sell it in a 2 pack though so it'll give you a full month's supply. My mother-in-law only takes hers once a day though and she came to Thanksgiving talking about a spot on her cheek that had already started to fill in and she was telling my sister-in-law all about it and how she might like it too! If you are also on Trim, you can take it once a day since there is some collagen in the Trim as well.
And look at this deal below. It's my favorite. Message me for this deal, y'all. Two bottles of Bicoell Life is usually $140. Today you can get two bottles PLUS all the awesome (clean!) products below (dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent and fabric softener, fabric spray, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and mouthwash---all for $10 more. I can show you how. If I can figure out a way to link it directly here, I will! But since they haven't been released yet as I type this, I'm not sure how it'll work. But this is my favorite deal!!!
I actually switched out all my normal products for theirs this past week since I wanted to try out as many Modere products as I can to see what I think and then report back to you guys. And I did NOT get this for free so I'm kind of annoyed. 😂
Anyway, if you want to know more about all of this, be sure to check out my Collagen Highlight bubble on my Instagram profile or click over to my big comprehensive blog post I did where I talked about some of the products in a little more depth including the fat-burning collagen!
Shop all HERE! Everything should be 10% off but for those 25% off deals, message me! (Please don't email me! I won't see it until it's too late. My inbox is a disaster.) $10 off code: 2617259
GIVEAWAY!! All orders placed today will go into a drawing for a $25 off Modere gift card. So if you've been wanting the collagen or the Lean Body System (I can get you some major freebies with that too!!), place your order and then message me on social media to let me know and I'll get you in the drawing!! The odds are great! I'm only expecting 15-20 orders today since everyone grabbed stuff on Black Friday so even if it's just that bottle of Biocell for 10% off plus your $10 off new customer discount, it's worth it!! ;)
And that's it for today, friends! I hope you guys have the best day, get some killer deals on AirPods and TVs and whatever else you may be looking for and if you're on Facebook, be sure to check out the Deals group today!!
Those robes are too cute!!!
ReplyDeleteAren’t they?! I feel bad that I can’t give them to the boys for another 4 weeks. 😂
DeleteSo many fun deals out there! These were all new to me :)
ReplyDeleteHope you found some good stuff!