Sunday morning the boys and I went to church while dad was working the Elite 11 football camp all day. That weekend it happened to be in Dallas at the new Cowboys practice facility so there was no overnight travel. Yay! I snapped pics of my favorite little bracelet combo before we headed to church and as you can see from the goose bumps on my arm, it was a little chilly that morning.
And remember me saying I had this on my wish list from my Friday Favorites post?
I could NOT decide between this gorgeous royal blue/green or the lighter aqua. I finally chose the royal blue because it is my all time favorite color. I ordered it today because I wanted to be able to wear it all spring and summer (not that it's only for spring and summer). But I can't wait to add it to my little stack for a gorgeous pop of color. Now I just need a tan. ;)
The rest of Sunday I worked on orders while the kids played with their friends.
Monday was a work, work, work day while the kids ran around the neighborhood livin' it up and just being kids. I knew my parents were coming in Tuesday afternoon for a quick overnight visit and that we were going to the zoo on Wednesday. So all I could think of was getting as many orders out as quickly as possible since I couldn't work on Wednesday and getting my house cleaned before they came.
Tuesday was a lot of the same for all of us. Craig did a ton of "honey-do" things around the house. He will get in a groove and knock out a ton of stuff all at once. When he is in the zone, I steer clear because the last thing I want to do is break his little trance. ;)
My parents showed up that afternoon and the kids were super hyper when they arrived. They hadn't seen our new shiplap wall yet and were trying to ask us questions about it and take a closer look but the boys were running around them, jumping up and down, interrupting every word that came out of my mouth and basically just doing anything they could to get Nana and Papa's attention back on them.
Here's how this wall looks now as a work-in-progress and waiting for phase 2. It used to be an entire wall of mirrors. No cabinetry. It was awful and we hated it. Next up will be the upper cabinets. I'm thinking a tall cabinet with a door on each side with open shelving in the middle. That's why the shiplap pattern is different about half way down. I wanted the shiplap behind the open shelving to match without having the random vertical seams. The unit will be about halfway up the wall with the shiplap above it. I just propped some decor on the counter for now. I've also got a new dining room table and light fixture on my wish list. A girl can dream. ;)
Tuesday night my parents took the boys out to dinner and it was supposed to be my fun dinner date with my girls at a new restaurant we were going to try. But we are all busy mamas and sometimes things just happen. One of my friends had everything just fall apart as the day went on and just couldn't make it. So my other friend, Dani and I ended up at the Moviehouse & Eatery to see what we thought about The Shack. I won't get into the movie because I know there is a lot of controversy about it and I hate controversy. But we showed up 30 minutes before the movie started and had time to cram in some girl talk while we ordered our food and a glass of wine.
We didn't snap a pic that night but here's my beautiful friend on her birthday last summer. I just love her. :)
Our drive was going to take about an hour and within 20 minutes we noticed Matthew wasn't looking too good. We moved him from the 3rd row to the 2nd and opened a window for him.
And then he threw up.
I pulled over at the next exit and we parked in a parking lot and let him get out of the car. We did our best to clean up which wasn't too hard considering he hadn't eaten anything for breakfast (now I know why). I called Craig who was at home because he had sessions that day and was working on last minute tax stuff. We were torn as to what to do but my parents only come into town once every few months and since my dad only gets 1 real day off a week, they never get to stay longer than 24 hours. So going into Dallas to the zoo was a big deal for us! Craig said he'd come get Matthew and Matthew seemed just fine with that. So I sat in the parking lot with my precious 8-year-old curled in my lap while we waited for daddy to save the day.
I told my mom to smile because someday this will be a great story. ;) She was so worried about her baby though. And look at my sweet boy!!! Bless his little heart. We kept saying the timing was awful but honestly, it could have been a lot worse after fighting Dallas traffic for an hour and THEN having him get sick. Or him getting sick as soon as we paid. Eeek.
Dad showed up and rescued this sick baby so we got back on the road headed to the zoo. It took forever it seems and Dottie Directions (my GPS) gave us a little fit.
The zoo was so fun though and the day was PERFECT. 70 degrees and sunny. I love Texas. Mason was loving having us all to himself.
When we got home from the zoo, my parents checked on Matthew who was laid up on the couch with a trash can next to him. They had to leave to get back home and I couldn't help but curl up next to my baby and snuggle. I couldn't believe that Matthew caught Mason's virus from last week before I did, considering I was snuggled up to Mason when he was sick too. I put Matthew to bed at 6:45 and he slept soundly, thank you, Jesus. Waking up in the middle of the night to be sick is the WORST.
Thursday we all had a fairly normal day. Matthew took it easy for most of the day but by the afternoon he was ready to run around outside with the boys. I worked all day (so dull I know...I work too much) but got some cute orders sent out.
Y'all. We might have had the most boring Spring Break ever. But sometimes not having anything to do and anywhere to be is the most relaxing. The boys were just boys all week. They played outside (when they weren't puking), got dirty, got muddy, got wet, played catch, rode bikes, scooters and hoverboards. They played hide and seek in the culdesac and basketball in the driveway. They were constantly in and out of the house, upstairs and downstairs. It was great. Kids just being kids. I love it. :)
Craig took the boys down to the pond by our house for some Friday morning fishing. They dug their worms out of our compost pile in the backyard and went fishin'! They ended up tied at 4 to 4 when they ran out of worms. Everything is a competition.
Craig left in the afternoon for his Friday golf game. After dinner, all 3 of us climbed into my big bed and we watched Finding Dory on Netflix. Love movie nights with my babies.
He thinks I'm funny. He may be the only one.
This weekend was uneventful for the most part. Matthew had baseball practice Saturday morning. Craig left to go to Los Angeles for another camp. Before I went to bed Saturday night, I had a huge headache which was weird. I rarely get headaches. During the night, I had a dream that I was pregnant. I vividly remember looking down at 2 pregnancy tests and seeing bright pink double lines on both of them and being completely split on if I was happy or not!
When I woke up Sunday morning, I was completely nauseous. I felt sick to my stomach and my headache was still there. I had a feeling that stupid virus had finally caught up to me. Clearly, church was going to have to be of the "bedside-Baptist" variety that day. I tried watching online but my head was killing me so most of it was spent listening with my eyes closed. I did come to the conclusion that my pregnancy dream probably stemmed from my nauseous feeling while I was sleeping. I had pretty bad morning sickness with both my boys.
I dream pretty vividly every single night (which is awesome by the way and so fun) so it was fun dreaming about that. I'm not sure how I'd actually feel about being pregnant again though at 35 with a 6 and 8-year-old. I have had some major baby fever though lately so I'm guessing that didn't help.
So that was our week. It was a little boring. A little sad. But overall, my kids had a blast and that's what's most important. They got to see their grandparents, play with their friends, stay up late watching movies, go fishing and one of them got to go to the zoo! ;)
If you have Spring Break this week, have fun!!
Happy Monday! May it become Friday quickly. ;)
So I'm not sure if my last comment actually published or not, so if it did, feel free to just delete it! Ha!
ReplyDeleteSo your shiplap wall, looks amazing!! I'm anxious to do ours above our fireplace. My hardest decision is to pick out the paint color for it. What color did you go with for paint?
And poor Matthew for having to miss a fun day at the zoo. It looks like you guys had fun though. I hope the sickies are quickly gone from your house, and hope you are feeling better too!
Have a great Monday!!
I only had this comment from you so it's all good! :) And thank you!! We used the same color that our trim was done in...Alabaster I think it was? I will double check though!
DeleteSo glad y'all had a relaxing Spring break. Sometimes it is needed. And so glad everyone is feeling better.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have spring break until the middle of April. We are headed to the beach. So ready.
I seriously want to cry thinking of how much I wish I were at the beach right now! I bet you are counting down the days!!