Friday, December 1, 2017

Friday Favorites #36.

It's officially The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, people!!  

It's December 1st which means the holidays are in full swing!  Whoop whoop!  I get so excited about Christmas.  I love the lights, the music, the cheesy movies and the classics.  And I love shopping for everyone on my list and then telling them "I don't know" when they ask what I want for Christmas.  Do y'all do that?  I never know what to ask for for Christmas!  What are you asking for for Christmas??

Today it's Friday Favorites with some of my favorites:  Narci, Erika and Andrea!

First things first, I totally forgot to mention this yesterday but this is just a reminder that My CONFESSIONS link-up is next Thursday!  I may be focusing on momfails next week because I had a pretty big one a couple of nights ago.  And it was not my first.  

I'm also wondering how many of yall will be confessing that you hate your elf. ;)

Speaking of those darn elves, did you catch my Elf post from yesterday?  

Today, Doodah is taking a bubble bath.  That looks like a bubble bath, right?  I'm worried the kids won't get it.  It was the only bowl I could find that wasn't too big or too small.  I was having a three little bears dilemma.  #justright 

Oh well.  I guess it's better than him just sitting on a shelf.  ;)  #Itried

Now onto Favorites!

I posted a Boy(ish) Gift Guide on Monday that you should check out if you have boys or girls who like cars and silly board games.  

Here are a few more things that I've snagged for my guys.

Matthew loves to read once he finds a book that will hold his attention.  Lately, he has been all about the Secret Zoo Series.  He's almost finished with Book 2 and has mentioned several times that he wants the rest of them. 

For reference, Matthew is 9 and in 4th grade.  I think he may have read the first book in 3rd though.  So if you have a child around that age, you might want to check out this series!

I also got both boys (Mason is 7 and in 2nd grade) a box set of Hardy Boys books.  I think they will love the adventures and trying to figure out the mysteries.

Clue Book Collection 1-4 HERE

Secret Files Collection 1-4 HERE

And Mason's favorite books are joke books.  He loves to read me jokes from his book every night before bed. 

 So I picked up this new one for him.  And by the way, this is less than $3 plus free one-day shipping...  #nobrainer

Brittany Snow.

Yeah.  It's a weird Favorite #2.  But seriously.  I can't wait for Pitch Perfect 3 to come out!  Why are they making us wait until December 22nd!?!  PP 1 and 2 had EVERYTHING I love.  Singing, dancing, humor, and good girlfriends. 

And Brittany Snow's red hair.

Last year around this time, I dyed my hair red and she was most definitely my #1 inspiration.  

It faded so quickly though but it was a really fun change!  I've also dyed my hair dark brown before.  Wanna see??

The above picture was in 2013 at my Gift Exchange Party I used to host every year.  I haven't done one in 3 years...right around the time I started to get super busy with all my Etsy stuff.  :(  But that's my BFF since first grade, Chauna.  Isn't she cute?!

And with my sweet neighbors!  Love those girls.

And then Mason and I surprised Matthew at lunch when he was just a sweet little kindergartner.  It took them both a while to get used to the dramatic change in my appearance.

So yeah...

That may be the most random "favorite" I've ever done. #thankyoubrittanysnow


Y'all know that I am a huge fan of online boutiques.  I have several favorites and one of them had a super cute shirt that caught my eye this week that I knew I had to have.

It's from Filly Flair and you can find it HERE.  It's cute.  It's comfy.  And it's reasonably priced.  Plus it's got a plaid reindeer on it and I mean...could you be any more perfect?!

I also LOVE these booties and may add them to my non-existent Christmas list.  It's all in those details!

And I love the sleeves on this cute top.  

Find it HERE.

My tree is up.  #yay!

I still need to get up in the attic and grab my 80s elf and ladder (talked about here) to complete it but I'll do that later today.

This is our first year with the built-ins and shiplap wall.  It used to be a wall of mirrors (barf) that we finally got around to tearing down.  We DIY'd the shiplap and cabinets and then ran out of steam.  We have all the best intentions of putting up upper cabinets and shelving but we may just hire that out.  #lazy

In years past, we'd just push the dining room table up against the wall and it would be fine.  I'd put my little Christmas village on it and it was great!  This year is harder since the cabinets are in the way and the table has nowhere to go.  I'm hoping I can put the village up on the cabinets but there are so many cords!!  And one plug.  So we'll see.  

I ordered these boots after #sheaffertoldmeto.  And they are the BEST!!  I love the fit and they are just a perfect color.  If you need tall brown or black boots, you MUST CHECK THESE OUT!  I ordered the brown.  Sizes are starting to sell out so grab them quick (and while they are on sale!).  This could be a great gift idea if you don't want to splurge on them for yourself!

 I get a Kate Middleton vibe with them.  And you just can't go wrong with Kate Middleton.

So that's it for today, friends!!  Please join me over on Facebook for even more fun stuff when I stumble upon it and you can also find me on Instagram @amandanall.  

Happy Happy Friday!!



  1. Your tree is beautiful! I love your dark hair!! and oh those boots! I need!!!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Heather!! And yes, I can't wait to wear my boots. Actually, I can't wait to get dressed in "real" clothes again and get out from behind this glitter and paint! 😬

  2. I think it totally looks like a bubble bath! Those boots look amazing! Thanks for the recommendation.

    1. Yay!! The boys told me this morning that he looks cramped. 😂😂😂

  3. Thank you for the boy book suggestions!! My daughter reads Nancy Drew and I never even thought about the Hardy Boys for my son. I can't wait for PP3 either! Aca-awesome! :)

  4. Great book ideas! I have an 8 and 5 year old. I need ideas!! I love using books as stocking stuffers! I think I might have to order those boots. They are super cute!

    1. Be sure to check out the gift guide from Monday's post for a few more ideas!

  5. Totally checking out those Hardy boys books and the joke book! Brayden loves joke books too! Your tree is gorgeous!!

  6. I think you're one of those people who could pull off any hair color! So so pretty!

  7. LOVE ME some pitch perfect. All of them. Brittney Snow, Anna Camp, Anna Kendrick ... LOVE.

  8. You could put the elf and marshmallows in your guest room sink next week. BIG bubble bath :)


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