Happy Wednesday, friends!
It's the monthly What's Up Wednesday post where I link up with Mel, Sheaffer, and Shay and discuss what all we've been up to lately. It's been a lot!
So let's get to it!
Nothing worth wasting space on really. The usual suspects. Tacos. Chicken spaghetti. Salads. Grilled chicken and steaks. And Mason has been on a giant hard-boiled egg kick lately. I have yet to use my Instant Pot on hardboiled eggs but we've been using the heck out of the little Egg Cooker I got from Amazon a while back. I love this thing! And Mason loves it too.
We keep the extra eggs in the fridge in bowl and Mason goes and grabs one when he wants a snack. And yes, there are constantly eggshells all over the floor by the trash can or laying in the sink. #messymase
This sweet picture popped up in my Facebook memories this week and it's one of my favorites! That's Matthew when he was 5 I think. He loves his daddy!
And speaking of daddy, I'm absolutely reminiscing about our trip to Green Bay this month for their Alumni Weekend and 100 Seasons Celebration!
It was filled with so much fun, old friends (and new!), 12 miserable hours for my hubs, and a ton of Lysol. ;)
Similar cardigan | booties (60% off!) | jeans sold out
If you missed the recap, you can find it here.
If you aren't in my Facebook Daily Deals group then you are missing out on SO MANY GREAT THINGS! I'm not kidding, friends.
I'm loving this group! I like being able to chat with y'all easier and hear your feedback. I feel like I'm able to put faces to names when you comment in the group and on here. I also take advantage of a ton of my own finds.
One deal I bought myself was this hat rack. All of my family's hats tend to be spread all over our house at any given moment. You can find a random hat laying on the floor in the bathroom, behind the couch, on the kitchen counter, or in a big basket by our garage door.
But now, we have an actual place to put them!
This is our coat closet right by the door to the garage. (We clearly also keep random brooms and vacuums in there too. Don't look too close.)
This was only $9.99 for both of them and these tiny little ways to organize my life just make me HAPPY.
Another deal I posted and that I grabbed for myself was this inverted umbrella. I don't know if it's possible to be in love with an umbrella but if it is, I am.
These are one of those cool inverted umbrellas and with all this rain that we've been having over the past two weeks, it couldn't come at a better time.
If you aren't familiar with these, they close like this:
So getting your umbrella into and out of a car is 100% easier AND all the water is INSIDE the umbrella while the outside is dry. And that saves you from dripping water all over the place.
Seriously. This is how umbrellas should have been made from Day 1. You know the original umbrella designer is feeling like a dummy for not thinking of this himself. ;)
Find these HERE and even more HERE in a ton of colors and prints. I chose the navy and white stripes because I'm a slave to navy blue.
We're still elbow deep into fall ball so it's a whole lot of this.
Mason smacked the first home run of the season on his team last week and Dad and I were so stinkin' proud of our little baller.
Matthew has been killing it on the field as well. We call him the Triple King. I can't even count how many triples he's hit but, bless his heart, home runs never seem to work out! He's determined though! He's also been pitching so well. I am a proud #baseballmom.
Mason is also playing flag football again this season and these boys are doing SO GOOD!
I've been asked before about flag versus tackle and here's what I'll say. Personally, we have decided to wait until middle school to start tackle. One commonality across ex-NFL guys tends to be this. WAIT on tackle.
CTE is real. We've seen guys with CTE. We KNOW guys with CTE. And it is heartbreaking. When we were in Green Bay, we got to see our friends, Aaron and Linde Kampman. Aaron was a Defensive End and Linebacker for Green Bay and drafted in the same round (5A and 5B) as Craig. He played for ten years before he retired.
When we were catching up with them, we found out that when it was time for their oldest to start football in Iowa, where they live, there was no flag football option. Only tackle. And since Aaron feels strongly about keeping them from tackle while they are young, he decided to start his own flag football league. He was that serious. And it reinforced our decision to stick with flag for now.
If you want to read more about these guys and their opinions on why they are choosing to wait on tackle football, you can read this article HERE. From top to bottom, it is everything Craig and I agree with and why we've decided to wait. No judgment if you decide differently for your child. It is a personal decision for sure. I just wanted to share why we have decided to wait because I've gotten several DM's over the past 2 months or so asking my opinion on it or asking why Mason isn't playing tackle. So there ya go. :)
Hmmmm....I honestly can't think of anything for once! (shocking)
All the fall orders! My Etsy shop has several cute fall signs and cups and I've been plugging away at current orders 5 days a week.
All of the following can be found in the shop. :)
And of course, I've got non-fall items as well. These are two of my favorites. The one on the left is inspired by my love of Parenthood. And the one on the right is one of my most popular signs and part of a favorite sign.
Check out the shop HERE!
My birthday is next Friday (October 5th) and my parents are coming in that day! My old high school, Texas High in Texarkana, TX, is playing the high school that my kids will go to someday at our brand new stadium here in Mckinney and we're going to go to the game. I can't wait to see my old high school play and I've heard the new stadium is kind of amazing.
I'm hoping to organize something else fun to celebrate as well but I haven't gotten that far just yet. :)
Did you catch my post from yesterday? I blogged about the Fall Lineup on TV and highlighted some of my favorite shows. If you are a fellow TV lover, you should check it out. I covered a lot.
As for what I'm reading, I'll have my September review posted next week! (Find all my others HERE.)
These Kate Spade glitter studs were on sale a couple of weeks ago so I grabbed a pair as a potential gift for someone. But even though I have these exact same ones in the larger stud size--I have decided to keep the minis for myself. It's a little ridiculous, I know but the smaller size is just so cute! And I have a feeling my mom will gladly take my bigger ones off my hands. ;)
I've also been reaching for these jeans (sold out) and these booties as often as possible! These booties are currently on sale for 60% off but sizes are selling out! Available in 3 colors.
I walked at least 2 miles in these and survived so take that into account as well. My favorite booties of the season, hands down.
The rest of my wardrobe lately has come from Jane. I could not love Jane more, friends. I find the cutest clothes at the best prices and not once, in over 60 orders, have I ever been disappointed. I can't recommend it enough.
These are a few that I purchased from sellers on Jane. They aren't currently available although they can-and most likely will-come back at some point. (Their deals only last 48 hours. Or maybe 72? I can't remember.) Anyway. I love them.
These are all online boutique quality (the legit boutiques) for crazy good prices. I post my favorite Jane deals all day long in the group so go here every day to check them out or just head to Jane now!
And that's about it today, y'all! See you Friday!
*This post may contain affiliate links. Purchasing through them help support this blog. Thank you!!
All of your outfits for that Green Bay weekend were so cute. Good thing he played for the Packers-green and gold look so good on you!
ReplyDeleteI knew I already loved your blog and FB deals group, but now that I know you are also a 10/5 birthday girl, I love you even more!
ReplyDeleteAw thank you!! And I always think it's fun to find people who share my birthday!! Very cool!
DeleteLove the inverted umbrella. I grabbed the navy/white stripe as well. I LOL'd at your comment about the original umbrella inventor! :) The plaid shirts from Jane are cute on you! We don't have sons (2 daughters), but I applaud your reasoning and research about starting tackle football later. CTE is scary!
ReplyDeleteThat picture of Craig and Matthew is PRECIOUS!!