Friday, February 1, 2019


Happy Friday, everyone!

I spent yesterday with my parents instead of with my computer so instead of my normal list of Friday Favorites, I'm sending y'all HERE  and HERE instead.  I'll be posting my favorites there throughout the day along with the rest of the Daily Deals I find and I'll be posting them to the Deals Blog as well.  (I've been slacking on the Deals Blog lately.  I'm going to make sure I do it right tomorrow for those of you who don't do FB.)

But if you ARE a Facebooker, don't forget to check the deals that have been posted the past day or two in the Facebook Group as well!  I posted some good ones yesterday. ;)

As for tonight's plans it's either a movie OR...

Friday night vibes... especially that messy bun!  #enjoy #fridaynight #friyay #vibes #mood #messybun

The jury is still out but if you have movie recs for whatever is showing right now (that's appropriate for kids) please let me know!

 I'll be back next week with my January Book Review!  (You can find all my book reviews HERE.)

Thank God someone has finally explained this to the non-readers/non-fangirls/ordinary, normal people with lives!!

Also, if you missed my What's Up Wednesday post, you can find that HERE.

And yes, I'll be watching the Super Bowl but man...I'm kind of over Tom Brady and the Patriots.  Anyone else?!  I mean, SPREAD THE WEALTH, DUDE!  You're already a billionaire, a Ken Doll look-a-like married to a supermodel and you have all the respect, success and adoration you could ever ask for.  Do you really need 9 Super Bowls too?  It just seems unfair.  #justsayin ;)

Balling Balling like I play for New England. #PATSNATION  #SUPERBOWL #ALLWEDOISWIN

Don't get me wrong, I think his family is precious and they really seem to love each other and he's amazing and it's all so well-deserved.  BUT I will be rooting for the underdogs on Sunday.  
(Please don't hate me if you're a Patriots fan!  I have always cheered for the underdog.)


Linking up with:
 Erika, Narci and Andrea for Friday Favorites
Della Devoted for High Five for Friday



  1. That quote about Friday night is SPOT ON!!

  2. We’re watching the first Harry Potter movie tonight because Ebby Lee just finished the book. Maybe you guys should to??

  3. So agree with you about Tom and the Patriots! We are cheering for the undergo as well...and mostly I'll just be there for the snacks this year! Ha! Simply Tish

  4. I agree with all your thoughts on Brady and the Super Bowl. I will be rooting for the underdog as well.

  5. I'm looking forward to your January book review. I'm always searching for new books to read (even though I already have way too many books!)

  6. LOVE THAT Friday night graphic #truth
    I'm in the Super Bowl for the food and company!

  7. I'm with you on the Friday night vibes! And I do so love a good slice of pizza. :) Have a great weekend!!


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